Sunday, July 15, 2007

David's Sling 01

I consider Emily, Janice and Kate as David's Angels. They came like angels flying towards David, changing his life from next to the other.

With Emily, David became modish with clothes and gadgets. He also turned vain, which to a point became annoying. You see, we share the same apartment. With just one full bathroom. So when he stays inside longer than I, which was most often as always, I was furious … and well, less of a woman. I would conjure images of David applying triple conditioners on his wavy brown hair, pampering his olive-toned skin with mint-scented body wash and…

One time, after an hour-long aggravating wait, I pounded on the door and roared, “David, goodness, I also have rights here! Bath rights! What in the hell are you doing that’s taking you so looonnggg!”

“Sorry, Sarah. I can’t let you in…” was David’s muffled reply.

“Of course you can’t! You’re still there!” I hollered.

Fifteen minutes later, David came out. I was so mad he could have dropped dead if there’s a radiation frequency for anger. But his after-bath after-shave scent subdued me in one millisecond.

Of course, I didn’t want him to know that.

Then, one day, he came home sober. Gone was the skittish smile which was then a prelude to Emily-and-I-went-to-this-and-that-and-met-this-and-that-and-talked-about-this-and-that talks where my oohs and aahs came in perfect timing as he filled me in about Cover Girl Emily Stories.

“Emily walked out,” he said in an almost defeated whisper.

(As usual... to be continued)

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